Jun 082024

Men - handsome, manly porn star Paddy O'Brian barebacks fuzzy, versatile stud Lobo Carreira until he fucks the cum out of Lobo 01


This muscle man encounter features handsome, manly gay porn star Paddy O’Brian and fuzzy versatile stud Lobo Carreira. Paddy fuck Lobo’s muscle ass in different positions before he fucks the cum out of Lobo.


Watch The Full Video – Paddy O’Brian Fucks Lobo Carreira


Men - handsome, manly porn star Paddy O'Brian barebacks fuzzy, versatile stud Lobo Carreira until he fucks the cum out of Lobo 02


Paddy O’Brian fucks Lobo Carreira from behind, then turns him on his back. Then Paddy lies back as Lobo rides him. Lobo orgasms as the top gives him that dick in missionary, working up a sweat, and Paddy pulls out to shoot a hot load on him.

See more at Men


Watch The Full Video – Paddy O’Brian Fucks Lobo Carreira


+ More scenes of Cumming While Getting Fucked

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